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Eschaton Cycle Bibliography
Mythology, Folklore, Legend, and Fairytales
- Aeschylus; (2011). Prometheus Bound, Theodore Alois Buckley.
- Aeschylus; (2011). Seven Against Thebes, Theodore Alois Buckley.
- Aeschylus; (2012). The Persians, Amazon.
- Afanas’ev, Aleksandr; (2013). Russian Fairy Tales, Pantheon.
- Alexander, Skye; (2012). Mermaids, Adams Media.
- Anderson, Hans Christian; (2022). Hans Christian Andersen’s Complete Fairy Tales, Big Cheese Books.
- Anonymous; Beowulf
- Anonymous. Manichaean Writings. The Gnostic Society Library.
- Anonymous. Manicheism General Survey. Encyclopedia Iranica.
- Anonymous. Nag Hammadi Library. Gnostic Society Library. ~
- Apollodorus; (1998). Library of Greek Mythology, OUP Oxford.
- Apollonius; (2013). Argonautica, Digireads.
- Beckwith, Martha Warren; (2017). Hawaiian Mythology, Pinnacle Press.
- Brothers Grimm; (2022). The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Green World Classics.
- Byock, Jesse (trans); (1999). The Saga of the Volsungs, Penguin.
- Carolina, Lucia (2011). Fairy Tale: Sangkuriang, Imagin Publisher.
- Chew, Katherine Liang (trans); (2002). Feng Shen Yan Yi (Investiture of the Gods), iUniverse.
- Crawford (trans); (2015). Poetic Edda, Hackett Publishing Company.
- Crawford, Jackson (2021). Two Sagas of Mythical Heroes, Hackett Publishing. (Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks; Hrolf Kraki Saga)
- Cumpstey, Ian (trans); (2017). The Saga of Didrik of Bern: with The Dwarf King Laurin, Skadi Press. (Thidrek Saga)
- Davidson, Gustav; (1994). A Dictionary of Angels, Free Press.
- Ellis, Peter Berresford; (2011). Mammoth Book of Celtic Myths and Legends, Robinson.
- Gantz, Jeffery (trans); (2003).The Mabinogoin, Penguin.
- Guiley, Rosemary Ellen; (2004). The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters, Checkmark Books.
- Guiley, Rosemary Ellen; (2007). The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, Checkmark Books.
- Guiley, Rosemary Ellen; (2009). The Encyclopedia of Demons & Demonology, Checkmark Books.
- Gummere, Francis Barton (trans); (2023). Beowulf, East India Publishing Company.
- Guo Maoqian. The Ballad of Mulan. ~
- Herodotus; (2014). The Histories Penguin Classics.
- Hesiod; (1993). Theogony, Hackett Publishing Co.
- Hesiod; (1993). Works and Days, Hackett Publishing Co.
- Homer; (2009). The Odyssey, Digireads.
- Homer; (2016). The Iliad, Digiread.
- Kalakaua, King David; (1972). The Legends and Myths of Hawaii, Charles E. Tuttle Company.
- Kang, Minsoo; (2016). The Story of Hong Gildong, Penguin Classics.
- Kinsella, Thomas (trans); (2002). The Tain, OUP Oxford.
- ku‘ualoha ho‘omanawanui; (2014). Voices of Fire, University of Minnesota.
- Liliuokalani, Queen; (2015). Kumulipo, Independent.
- Lonnrot, Elias, Crawford (trans); (2009). Kalevala, Digireads.
- Machal, Jan; (2010). Slavic Mythology, Mythology eBooks
- Madame de Villeneuve’s The Story of the Beauty and the Beast: The Original Classic
- Malory, Sir Thomas; (2015). Le Morte d’ Arthur, Canterbury Classics.
- Mann, Judith; (2012). The Trail of Gnosis. Pacific Rim Press.
- Masson, Elise; (2009). Folk Tales of Brittany, Evinity Publishing Inc.
- Monmouth, Geoffrey and Thorpe (trans); (2015). The History of the Kings of Britain, Penguin.
- Ō no Yasumaro, Heldt (trans); (2014). Kojiki, Columbia University Press.
- Ovid; (2008). Metamorphoses, OUP Oxford.
- Paman, Alex G; (2010). Asian Supernatural, Mutual Publishing.
- Plato; (2012). Critias, Penguin Classics.
- Plato; (2014). Symposium, Heritage Illustrated Publishing.
- Plato; (2020). Timaeus, Penguin Classics.
- Rose, Carol; (1998). Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns, and Goblins, W. W. Norton & Company.
- Rose, Carol; (2001). Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, W. W. Norton & Company.
- Saxo, Grammitcus; (2012). Gesta Danorum, Amazon.
- Sayers, Dorothy L. (trans.); (2019). Song of Roland, Reading Essentials.
- Schwab, Gustav; (2011). Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece, Pantheon.
- Solomon; (2017). Testament of Solomon, Mockingbird Press.
- Steiger, Brad; (2011); The Werewolf Book, Visible Ink Press.
- Stephany, Timothy (trans); (2013). Enuma Elish: The Babylonian Creation Epic, Amazon.
- Sturluson, Snorri; (1990). Heimskringla, Dover Publications. (Yngling Saga)
- Sturluson, Snorri; (2006). Prose Edda, Penguin Classics.
- Summers, Montague; (2012). Vampires and Vampirism, Dover Publications.
- Tae-Hung Ha (trans); (2016). Samguk Yusa. Olympia Press.
- Tolkien, Christopher (1960). The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise, Thomas Nelson and Sons.
- Tolkien, J.R.R. (trans); (2014). Beowulf, Mariner Books.
- Thrum, Thomas G.; (1907). Hawaiian Folk Tales, The Lakeside Press.
- Townsend, Dorian Aleksandra; (2011). From Upyr’ to Vampir, University of New South Wales.
- Valmiki; Ramayana.
- Vyasa, Rajagopalachari (trans); (2015). Mahabharata. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
- Vyasa, The Shiva Purana.
- Waggoner, Ben (trans); (2012). The Hrafnista Sagas, Troth Publications.
- Waggoner, Ben (trans); (2011). Six Sagas of Adventure, Troth Publications.
- Westervelt, W.D.; (1910). Legends of Maui, The Hawaiian Gazette.
- Westervelt, W.D.; (1977). Hawaiian Historical Legends, Charles E. Tuttle Company.
- Westervelt, W.D.; (2015). Hawaiian Mythology, Didactic Press.
- Wilson, Horace (trans.); The Vishnu Purana.
- Wu, Cheng’en; (2013). Journey to the West, University of Chicago Press.
History, Culture, and General Research
- Brownworth, Lars; (2014). The Sea Wolves, Crux Publishing Ltd.
- Captivating History; (2019). The Dark Ages: A Captivating Guide, CH Publications.
- Captivating History; (2019). The Mongol Conquests, CH Publications.
- Captivating History. History of East Asia
- Captivating History; (2020). History of Korea, CH Publications.
- Captivating History. History of Eastern Europe
- Captivating History; (2021). History of Hungary: A Captivating Guide, CH Publications.
- Captivating History; (2018). The Ottoman Empire: A Captivating Guide, CH Publications.
- Captivating History. Southeast Asian History.
- Charles River Editors; (2018). The Khmer Empire, Charles River Editors.
- Cunliffe, Barry; (2018). The Ancient Celts, Second Edition, OUP Oxford.
- Dubois, Thomas A; (2020). An Introduction to Shamanism, Cambridge University Press.
- Ellis, William; (1969). Polynesian Research: Hawaii, Charles E. Tuttle Company.
- Fleming, Robin; Britain after Rome.
- Freeman, Philip; (2010). War, Women, and Druids, University of Texas Press.
- Garland, Robert; (2013). Ancient Greece, Sterling.
- Gundarsson, Kveldulf; (2007). Elves, Wights, and Trolls, iUniverse, Inc..
- Hannigan, Tim; (2015). A Brief History of Indonesia, Tuttle Publishing.
- Hitchins, Keith; (2014). A Concise History of Romania, Cambridge University Press.
- Ibn Fadlan, Lunde (trans); (2012). Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness, Penguin Classics.
- Kenyon, Paul; (2021). Children of the Night, Apollo.
- McCoy, Daniel; (2016). The Viking Spirit, Amazon.
- Miksic, John. N. & Geok Yian Goh; (2016). Ancient Southeast Asia, Routledge.
- Price, Neil S; (2020). Children of Ash and Elm, Basic Books.
- Roesdahl, Else; (1998). The Vikings. Penguin.
- Turnbull, Stephen; (2011). Warriors of Medieval Japan, Osprey Publishing.
- Whitcomb, Bill; (2002). The Magician’s Companion, Llewellyn Publications.